
The title Quantasy is a portmanteau of "quantum fantasy," the word "quantum" referring to that which is discrete or quantifiable. In this piece, the idea expresses itself in at least six ways.
1. Discrete large-scale proportions arise from and bear a relationship to the energy potential of each musical idea.
2. Sections are clearly demarcated, by silence or by other means.
3. Certain elements within sections are rigidly quantified. Thus, specific registral, metric, or pitch material may govern a section.
4. Within the two largest sections, motion is hierarchically quantified on different layers (similar to period, phrase,and motive, for example), each layer behaving in a different manner.
5. The idea of a quantum leap expresses itself in the sudden, large proportional/structural shift near the end of the piece.
6. Lastly, the restless, highly active state of electrons absorbing and emitting quanta provided programmatic stimulus for the most active sections.
Quantasy was premiered by Matthew Coley at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, April of 2014.
$ 18.00
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5.0-octave marimba
performance setting